When It rains it pours
Texas Rain Garden
A rain garden is an attractive method for controlling stormwater damage and runoff. It captures and temporarily holds rainwater until the ground can absorb it. With Texas precipitation increasing by 15% in the last decade, these plants can help with erosion and hold onto more water for your landscape.
Lemon Mint Beebalm
Monarda citriodora, also known as lemon mint, lemon beebalm, lemon horsemint, purple horsemint, or lemon bergamot, is a hardy annual (sometimes biennial) plant commonly found in rocky or sandy prairies, pastures, and roadsides. Its habitat extends from South Carolina and Florida west to Missouri, Texas, and Mexico. This plant typically grows 12-30” tall.
It produces tubular, scented, two-lipped flowers in shades ranging from light lavender to pink to white, which bloom in dense, rounded, head-like clusters from spring to mid-summer. The flowers appear on stiff square stems covered with narrow lanceolate to oblong, awn-tipped serrate leaves (up to 2.5” long). Upper stem leaves may be in whorls. Each flower stem usually has 2 to 6 interrupted flower clusters, each group being subtended by white to pink-lavender bracts.
The flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, especially when they are massed. The leaves have a distinctive lemony aroma when rubbed. Some monardas are called bee balm because the leaves were previously used as a balm for bee stings.
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Off The Beaten Path
Don't let the house out front fool you. Just pull down the driveway and into our little piece of heaven on earth. You can park once you pull in, or drive further down to the back of the Nursery.

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. —Rachel Carson