Our 2021 Year In Review

2021 was a crazy year. For Derek and I especially, the past year has felt like something of a roller coaster. We both were juggling former roles, while making pathways into new careers. This has meant a lot of late night yard renderings, uncaffinated Face Time calls, and so much sweat labor, that we need to buy yet another pair of leather gloves. All that being said, its been really great to take our passions for gardening and turn it into an a business.
Each yard needed something new, and we worked diligently with the owner to get them the best vision of their yard. From installing our first yard design (during fourth of July weekend) when the temperatures were less than idyllic, to some very ambitious full yard refreshes. Some yards needed a specific redesign and a more structural vision. While other yards need just wanted a map of where the colors go. Let's take a look at some of our most memorable jobs from 2021.
In the dog days of summer we grew a new garden for a mom and a little girl. (July)
New You, New Yard. A happy memory of a flower bed, for a mother who wanted a place for her son to meet butterflies. (September)
A Mexican Plum anchors a sea of prairie plants, who have yet to show us their true selves and their full forms. (September)
An overgrown bed of Canna flowers is reclaimed to for color! Waves of blues and whites sooth a Grandmother's private retreat. (October)

This woodland's edge is the backdrop for a pollinator bed (November)
...and now for some Upcoming Projects
The perfect setting for long mornings: a porch that looks out on a flowering pocket prairie
This dreamy back yard, its slated to start this January. Just in time for summer entertaining.
Let's talk about growth-minded
Its hard trying to see a full tree from a seed. Its even harder trying to predict the how a yard will grow into its full vision as each plant unfurls its leaves. So a lot of times we use plants as different sizes in their growth, to help the budget and the brain make sense of the design. However, I sometimes feel a little underwhelmed when we get done with the initial planting. I've always got to remind myself that "gardens take time to grow". Natives plants are no different. Their deep roots, need time to find the deeper cool spaces that other plants can't reach. Deep roots take time to grow. I can't wait to show you the progress these gardens and "yardens" make as we nurture them through 2022.
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