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A Rose by any Other Planting
“A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (Romeo & Juliette) - William Shakespeare …. If I didn't know better, I’d say that you (secretly) love a rose. Blame it on that intoxicating scent, or those tender petals...
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Rose Pruning: How Do You Do It?
Pruning encourages growth Don’t be afraid. It is almost impossible to kill a rose by over-pruning. Roses are in the same family as blackberries. If you’ve ever had to remove a thicket of them, you can imagine how durable an...
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The Goddess of Roses, Aphrodite
 If the scent of rose is in the air, then it must be the season of Aphrodite. She was otherwise known as Venus to the Romans, but we have a preference for the greek boys. She was the ancient goddess...
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Unveiling the History and Ecology of the Blackland Prairie
Deep in the heart of Texas lies the Blackland Prairie, a testament to ecological resilience and human heritage. Once sprawling across millions of acres, this fertile land supported diverse plant and animal life while shaping the region's cultural identity. Despite urbanization and agriculture's encroachment, conservation efforts persist, safeguarding what remains of this vital ecosystem. Through stewardship and dedication, the Blackland Prairie endures, offering a glimpse into the past and a promise for the future.
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What is a Xeriscape anyways?
When I first started Native Gardeners, many friends congratulated me on my exciting new venture and told me they wanted my help with a xeriscape at some point. When I would respond, “We have a ton of great plants for...
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