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Blackland Prairie Mix
Blackland Prairie Mix
Blackland Prairie Mix
Blackland Prairie Mix

Blackland Prairie Mix

Note : During our spring season, preparation of materials for careful packaging of plants before shipping typically takes 14 business days, in addition to the standard shipping times.

Blackland Prairie Mix

These seeds know precisely how to live right here with no extra care. The ecosystem in a Bag contains diverse local native warm-season and cool-season annuals, perennials, wildflowers, and grasses beneficial in reducing erosion and providing habitat. Plant these seeds any time of the year.

(100% native seed, no fillers)

American Basketflower
Big Bluestem
Black-Eyed Susan
Broomsedge Bluestem
Butterfly Weed
Cane Bluestem
Clasping Coneflower
Cutleaf Daisy
Eastern Gamagrass
Florida Paspalum
Green Sprangletop
Hooded Windmill Grass
Illinois Bundleflower
Indian Blanket
Indian grass
Inland Seaoats
Lemon Mint
Little Bluestem
Maximilian Sunflower
Mealy Blue Sage

Partridge Pea
Pink Evening Primrose
Plains Bristlegrass
Plains Coreopsis
Prairie Verbena
Prairie Wildrye
Purple Prairie Clover
Rattlesnake Master
Rose Milkweed
Sand Dropseed
Sand Lovegrass
Showy Milkweed
Sideoats Grama
Standing Cypress
Texas Cupgrass
Texas Yellowstar
Virginia Wildrye
White Rosinweed
White Tridens

Covers up to 250 sq ft

Height: 6"-6'
Bloom: February-December
Light: Full, Part Sun
Water: Medium
Origin: North America
Deer Resistant: No

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