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Salvia 'Bicolor'
Salvia 'Bicolor'
Salvia 'Bicolor'
Salvia 'Bicolor'

Salvia 'Bicolor'

Salvia sinaloensis
Note : Preparation of materials for careful packaging of plants before shipping typically takes 7 business days, in addition to the standard shipping times.

Height: 1’-2’
Spread 1’-2’
Bloom: May-November
Light: Full Sun, Part Shade
Water: Medium
Zone: 8, 9, 10, 11
Origin: Mexico

Salvia sinaloensis (Sinaloan Blue Sage) is a compact herbaceous perennial sage that grows to 1 foot tall and as wide, spreading slowly by branches rooting above ground and stolons underground. The small, pleasantly aromatic leaves are lanced-shaped with toothed margins and tinted with purple-bronze when first emerging and even later when grown in bright light. In late spring through fall, the small dark blue flowers appear on upright hairy dark reddish stems with white linear spots on the lower lip. Though there is a hint of violet in the flower color, some consider this one of the "true blue" colored sages. The dark calyx remains an attractive feature even after the flowers are spent. Plant in well-drained soil in full sun to light shade with the brightest light, bringing out the best foliage color and flowering. However, it is also highly touted for its dependability in the shade.

This Salvia responds well to regular summer watering. Still, less water can be applied to established plants, particularly those growing in the shade. It can be temperamental in heavy soils if they remain wet in winter, so it is best to have good drainage and a raised planter in a container.

This plant comes from the Mexican state of Sinaloa, where it is found growing in the foothills of the Sierra Madre Occidental, and this location gives this plant its specific epithet.

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