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Texas Sotol
Texas Sotol
Texas Sotol
Texas Sotol
Texas Sotol
Texas Sotol

Texas Sotol

Dasylirion texanum
Note : Preparation of materials for careful packaging of plants before shipping typically takes 7 business days, in addition to the standard shipping times.

Height: 2’-3’ (Up to 15’ with flower)
Spread 2’-3’
Bloom: May-July
Light: Full Sun
Water: Low
Zone: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Origin: Texas

This short-trunked desert perennial is often mistaken for yucca. A 9-15 ft. flower stalk, bearing a 2-3 ft. spike of yellowish flowers, is subtended by a basal cluster of dark, bluish-green leaves with evenly-spaced spines and a wide, cupped base. The leaf cluster is 1 1/2-2 1/2 ft. tall.

Trunks split open during dry spells, allowing wildlife access to the spongy interior and leaf bases.

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